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QEEG - quantitative EEG

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The Quantitative EEG (QEEG) can be seen as an extension of classical EEG analysis. In a QEEG, the data from the raw EEG are summarized, evaluated and displayed as a graphic.

With quantitative EEG assessment and brain mapping analysis, we can identify patterns that indicate malfunctioning of the brain like ADHD, depression, anxiety, etc. The quantitative EEG is at the heart of the entire therapy process and is invaluable for any clinician for developing more accurate and therefore more efficient protocols.

QEEG means: A more precise treatment planning, which also provides psychologists, neurologists and psychiatrists with valuable insights into the severity of the disease and the effects of drugs thanks to the embedding of the biomarker analysis.

ISF2-161124-DEISF Neurofeedback sLoreta (ISF 2)Deutsch16.11.2024, 10:0017.11.2024, 19:00ONLINE650,00 EUR


IFEN *  Institut für EEG-Neurofeedback  *  Karl-Böhm-Str. 50  *  85598 Baldham 
 Telefon +49 (89) 2000 299 66  *  © 2009-2020 Thomas Feiner