+49 (89) 2000 299 66   info@neurofeedback-info.de

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30,00 EUR
in English language
Beginn: flexibel
Ende: flexibel
Anmelde​schluss: Sa., 08.02.2025, 02:31
Level: flexibel
Freie Plätze: 473 von 500

IFEN 100 - Written exam mentoring

The big Pre-Test for the exam at IFEN

The Certified Neurofeedback Therapist Exam covers many areas of knowledge in which one should be knowledgeable as a prospective Neurofeedback therapist.
With these questions you prepare well for the exam.
The IFEN 100 contains many questions that can be asked in a similar form in the final exam.
The IFEN 100 test includes questions from the following areas:

  • Neurofeedback
  • Electrophysiology
  • Neuroanatomy
  • Psychology
  • Psychopathology

Test evaluation:

Immediately after the test has been completed, you will receive your result with points and correction of all answered questions.
If you do not want to take a neurofeedback therapist exam, you can still join in and put your expertise to the test.

Procedure of purchase:

Immediately after booking, you will receive a booking confirmation e-mail with a link leading you to the online test. The mail also contains the password for activating the test.
After entering your name and your e-mail address, it starts immediately.

As our customers who book the IFEN 100 usually want to test their knowledge about neurofeedback in a timely manner, you will receive the access data for the test immediately after booking. If you have not used the instant payment via PayPal, we ask you to transfer the fee within 14 days to our account. Account details can be found in the booking confirmation email, which will be sent to you immediately after booking, and on the invoice attached to the booking confirmation email.

Test Instructions:

* Number of questions: 65 questions
* Time limit: 70:00 min
* The test must be completed in one session. You cannot save it and exit later.
* Questions displayed per page: 1
* You can go back and change your answers.
* You cannot end this test with unanswered questions.
* The test passed: 70% correct answers

The most questions are multi-choice questions and more rarely require a direct response from you.
We wish you much success!


zur Buchung : IFEN 100 - Written exam mentoring

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