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Certified Neurofeedback Therapist IFEN


We are pleased that you are interested in our education program.
A varied and fulfilling career awaits you!
Your way to the certified neurofeedback therapist IFEN consists of four modules:

  • MODULE 1 is a 5-day intensive course; Here you will be introduced to the basics of Neurofeedback
  • MODULE 2 is a 5-hour practical training in one of our many internships
  • MODULE 3 includes a 5-hour supervision; You will be assisted by a certified expert who will accompany you step by step
  • MODULE 4 is the final exam

You have the opportunity to complete MODULES 2 and 3 in any order.

Our philosophy

Our training concept relies on classic, proven methods and training methods based on normal-value databases supplemented by biofeedback. Every client is unique - we know how important an individualized and holistic treatment is for the therapy.

Together with our many years of experience from our own practice and the feedback from our graduates, we have therefore developed a modular system that will guide you efficiently and safely on your way to becoming a Certified Neurofeedback Therapist IFEN.

Frequently asked questions about the training we answer in our FAQ »frequently asked questions and answers

Kurs-Nr.KurstitelSpracheBeginnEndeOrtPreis (EUR)
M3-SMODULE 3 - Supervision-flexibelflexibelONLINEStandardpreis: 750,00Anmelde​schluss überschritten
IFEN-100-ENIFEN 100 - Written exam mentoringin English languageflexibelflexibelONLINEStandardpreis: 30,00Anmelde​schluss überschritten
M1-080425-ROMODULUL 1 -Terapeut Certificat în Neurofeedbackin rumänischer SpracheDi., 08.04.2025, 09:00Sa., 12.04.2025, 16:30Universitatea 1 Decembrie din Alba Iulia, Strada Gabriel Bethlen 1, Alba Iulia 510009, RomaniaStandardpreis: 1.750,00
Wiederholer / Repeater / Repetidor: 875,00
M1-141025-ROMODULUL 1 -Terapeut Certificat în Neurofeedbackin rumänischer SpracheDi., 14.10.2025, 09:00Sa., 18.10.2025, 16:30Universitatea 1 Decembrie din Alba Iulia, Strada Gabriel Bethlen 1, Alba Iulia 510009, RomaniaStandardpreis: 1.750,00
Wiederholer / Repeater / Repetidor: 875,00

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