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Terapeuta Neurofeedback IFEN


PRACTICAL TRAINING - Individual lessons


150,00 EUR per hour
Own choice
Fecha de inicio: No especificado
Fecha de término: Not Specified

Practical training

Practical training outside training

You have successfully completed your training to become a Certified Neurofeedback Therapist or have signed up for training at the IFEN and would like to do additional practical training? Then you’ve come to the right place.

Note: You can book the Practical Training (Module 2) in the scope of training to become a Certified Neurofeedback Therapist » here

From theoretical to practical training

You will be gently helped through your new subject. You always have the possibility of expanding your knowledge and a whole network of experienced therapists is available should you have any questions.

But not only that: We will organise a location for your traineeship close to where you live if possible as our network of well-trained therapists is constantly growing. Our traineeships are ideally equipped so that you can become acquainted with a large range of methods and approaches.

It's up to you how many hours of practical training you wish to do; our experienced partners will accommodate you with all the hospitality possible and are happy to show you the best way to advance. Treat yourself to this mostly very motivating experience. A traineeship is the best place to show you how our concept and your knowledge gained can be successfully put into practice.

The universal opinion of our participants about the traineeships is very positive and we are proud of being one of the first institutions in Germany to be able to offer this kind of professional support.

It's up to you how many hours of practical training you take. 5 hours are a requirement for our certificate. During training, you will be instructed by an experienced user. 

Signing up for a traineeship

  1. Choose a traineeship with one of our therapists from our list of therapists. All addresses with a Praktikumsstelle are accredited as IFEN traineeship providers.
  2. Book a date with the traineeship provider and then sign up and commit yourself to this period via our registration form.
  3. After receiving the invoice and us receiving payment in our account, you can start your traineeship.

1 FortbildungspunktePrice:

One traineeship unit costs each participant 90 EUR per hour.
You will awarded 1 credit point for each hour of traineeship.

Possible concessions

A maximum of two participants can sign up for the same practical training site. This reduces the costs for each participant by 50%.
Invoices are issued to only one participant.
When registering, please make sure you enter the second participant's name in the “2nd participant” box.

Note: You can book the Practical Training (Module 2) in the scope of training to become a Certified Neurofeedback Therapist » here








Reservar el curso: PRACTICAL TRAINING - Individual lessons

Precio unitario

Información de participantes

Información del participante y Profesión (tenga en cuenta que aparecerá en su certificado del curso)

Dirección de facturación

Más información

* requerido

IFEN *  Instituto de Neurofeedback EEG  *  Karl-Böhm-Str. 50  *  85598 Baldham/Alemania
Tel  +49 (89) 2000 299 66 *  Mobile +49(0)176 69 70 46 39   *  © 2009-2020 Thomas Feiner

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