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ISF - Infra-slow Fluctuation

What is ISF neurofeedback?

ISF stands for Infra Slow Fluctuation. This is the scientific term for brain waves at a very low frequency, below the other frequencies in the EEG (infra = below). There are scientific hypotheses saying that these slow oscillations are related to a fundamental functionality of the brain. Studies show that the Default Mode Network (the network that has a very central function for many processes in the brain) and the supporting glial cells oscillate at such frequencies.

» More information on ISF neurofeedback

Article by Mark L. Smith in the renowned journal "NeuroConnections"

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Download as pdf-file in german language (translation)

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ISF2-161124-DEISF Neurofeedback sLoreta (ISF 2)DeutschNov 16, 2024, 10:00Nov 17, 2024, 19:00ONLINE650,00 EUR

IFEN *  Instituto de Neurofeedback EEG  *  Karl-Böhm-Str. 50  *  85598 Baldham/Alemania
Tel  +49 (89) 2000 299 66 *  Mobile +49(0)176 69 70 46 39   *  © 2009-2020 Thomas Feiner

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