+49 (89) 2000 299 66   info@neurofeedback-info.de

Workshop locations Germany

Seminar Location Baldham, Munich

Institute for EEG Neurofeedback

Karl-Böhm-Strasse 50
85598 Baldham

Tel.:+49 (89) 2000 299 66
Mail: info@neurofeedback-info.de

Seminar location Schüttorf

Practice for occupational therapy and neurofeedback

Hany Branga

Milchstrasse 19
48465 Schuettorf

Phone: 05923 9859640
Smartphone: 0170 / 4929659
Website: https://www.ergotherapie-neurofeedback-hanybranga.com/

Seminar location Offenburg

Venue Offenburg

Str. 58
77652 Offenburg

Venue Baldham, Munich

Institute for EEG Neurofeedback

Karl-Böhm-Strasse 50
85598 Baldham

Tel.:+49 (89) 2000 299 66
Mail: info@neurofeedback-info.de

Venue Bad Griesbach

KWA Clinic Stift Rottal

Max-Köhler-Strasse 3
94086 Bad Griesbach

Phone: (+49) 08532/87 - 0
Fax: (+49) 08532/87 - 303
Website: http://kwa-klinik.de/start.html

Venue Hanover

Occupational therapy in Hanover

Normen Schack & Frank Hegger

Neue-Land-Str. 7
30655 Hanover

Phone: 0511 / 5 39 73 77
Telefax: 0511 / 5 39 73 76
Mail: ergotherapie-in-hannover(at)email.de
Website: www.neurofeedback-in-hannover.de

Venue Münster

ITF - Institute for Therapeutic Training

Kiesekampweg 8
48157 Munster

Phone: +49 (251) 924 59 666
Telefax: +49 (251) 924 59 667
Mobile: +49 (172) 3730803
Email: info@itf.de
Website: www.itf.de

Econtel Munich Bodenseestrasse

Venue Berlin

EIZ-Berlin gGmbH (European Integration Centre)

Diversity & Intercultural Academy

Harzer Strasse 51-52
12059 Berlin

Venue Hamburg

Practice for occupational therapy Schürholz Sievers
Therapy Center Fuhlsbüttel

Etzestr. 64
22335 Hamburg

Venue Regensburg

medbo- Regensburg District Hospital

Universitätsstrasse 84
93053 Regensburg

Venue Rotenburg an der Fulda - HKZ

HKZ (Heart and Circulation Center)

Conference room at the main entrance
Heinz-Meise-Strasse 100
36199 Rotenburg an der Fulda

Phone: + 49 (6623) 88-0
Telefax: +49 (6623) 88-7020
Website: www.herz-kreis-zentrum.net


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