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all training courses at a glance

Do you want to start training as a neurofeedback therapist or expand on the experience you have already gained? Do you want to specialize in certain areas of neurofeedback and learn from the best in the field?

Then you are right here!

The IFEN Institute for Neurofeedback offers a wide range of training courses - workshops on fascinating topics such as Quantitative EEG (QEEG), Infra Slow Fluctuation (ISF), EEG neuromeditation, neuropsychology or cognitive evaluation and webinars that you can conveniently participate in from anywhere, as well as crash and refresher courses with our popular speakers.

Please note: For training and further education units without fixed dates (e.g. internships, supervision, mentoring) you can here Sign in.

We answer frequently asked questions about training in our FAQ.

Course No.Course titleAvailable LanguagesBeginningEndeLocationPrice (EUR)
M2-P-IFEN-DEMODULE 2 - Internship for certification as an IFEN Neurofeedback Therapist-flexibleflexibleby CHOICEStandard price: 750,00Book your session
M3-SMODULE 3 - Supervision-flexibleflexibleONLINEStandard price: 750,00
with Dr. Georg Handwerker, Mr. Thomas Feiner or/or Mr. Normen Schack: 750,00
Book your session
M3-StdMODULE 3 - Supervision - Individual lesson-flexibleflexibleONLINEStandard price: 150,00
with Dr. HANDWERKER or/or TH. FEINER: 150,00
with NORMEN SCHACK: 150,00
Book your session
M4-PMODULE 4 - Examinationin German languageflexibleflexibleONLINEStandard price: 250,00Book your session
IFEN-100-DEIFEN 100 - Written Exam Mentoring-flexibleflexibleONLINEStandard price: 30,00Book your session
M1-170225-ENMODULE 1 - Certified Neurofeedback Therapistin German languageMon., 17.02.2025, 09:00Fri., 21.02.2025, 16:00BaldhamStandard price: 1.750,00
Repeater / Repeater / Repetidor: 875,00
Book your session
NF-220225-ENNeurofeedback weekend with Hany Brangain German languageSat., 22.02.2025, 09:00Sun., 23.02.2025, 16:00OnlineStandard price: 650,00Book your session
WEB-PH-240225-DEWEBINAR - Photobiomodulation (German)in German languageMon., 24.02.2025, 19:00Mon., 24.02.2025, 20:00ONLINEStandard price: 40,00Book your session
QEEG-270225-ENQuantitative EEG (QEEG) for your practicein German languageThu., 27.02.2025, 10:00Sat., 01.03.2025, 18:00BaldhamStandard price: 990,00Book your session
Swingle-080325-DEWorkshop - Neurofeedback therapy protocols according to the Swingle Assessmentin German languageSat., 08.03.2025, 09:00Sat., 08.03.2025, 18:00ONLINEStandard price: 450,00Book your session
WEB-120325-ENWEBINAR - Recognizing and treating ADHD: Documenting symptoms, conducting assessment with QEEG and setting up treatment with neurofeedbackin German languageWed., 12.03.2025, 19:30Wed., 12.03.2025, 21:00ONLINEStandard price: 80,00Book your session
WEB-Beginner-220325WEBINAR - Neurofeedback assessment with the Swingle Assessment for beginnersin German languageSat., 22.03.2025, 09:00Sat., 22.03.2025, 10:00ONLINEStandard price: 40,00Book your session
ALLEWEB-220325-DEMarathon Webinars Hany Brangain German languageSat., 22.03.2025, 09:00Sat., 22.03.2025, 15:15ONLINEStandard price: 160,00Book your session
WEB-ADV-220325-DEWEBINAR - Neurofeedback assessment with the Swingle Assessment for advanced usersin German languageSat., 22.03.2025, 10:20Sat., 22.03.2025, 11:20ONLINEStandard price: 40,00Book your session
WEB-NF-220325WEBINAR - Clinical Reasoning in NeurofeedbackGermanSat., 22.03.2025, 11:40Sat., 22.03.2025, 12:40ONLINEStandard price: 40,00Book your session
WEB-220325-ENWEBINAR - Neurofeedback for Autismin German languageSat., 22.03.2025, 13:00Sat., 22.03.2025, 14:00ONLINEStandard price: 40,00Book your session
WEB-220325-ENWEBINAR - Neurofeedback for learning disordersin German languageSat., 22.03.2025, 14:15Sat., 22.03.2025, 15:15ONLINEStandard price: 40,00Book your session
M1-080425-ROMODULULE 1 -Therapist Certificate in Neurofeedbackin Romanian languageTue., 08.04.2025, 09:00Sat., 12.04.2025, 16:30Universitatea 1 December din Alba Iulia, Strada Gabriel Bethlen 1, Alba Iulia 510009, RomaniaStandard price: 1.750,00
Repeater / Repeater / Repetidor: 875,00
Book your session
M1-280425-ENMODULE 1 - Certified Neurofeedback Therapist in German languageMon., 28.04.2025, 09:00Sun., 04.05.2025, 18:00two days online and three days in BerlinStandard price: 1.750,00
Repeater / Repeater / Repetidor: 875,00
Occupational Therapy Congress Rostock 2024 Discount 10%: 1.575,00
Book your session
ISF1-020525-ESInfra-Slow Fluctuation ISF Training WorkshopEspanolFri., 02.05.2025, 17:00Sun., 04.05.2025, 15:30BarcelonaStandard price: 1.050,00
Repeater / Repeater / Repetidor: 630,00
Book your session
QEEG-090525-ENSee more with brain mapping: Quantitative EEG (QEEG) for your practicein German languageFri., 09.05.2025, 10:00Sun., 11.05.2025, 18:00BaldhamStandard price: 990,00Book your session
WEB-120525-ENWEBINAR - Modern Neurofeedback according to the IFEN methodin German languageMon., 12.05.2025, 19:00Mon., 12.05.2025, 20:30ONLINEStandard price: freeBook your session
Group Mentoring -140525-DEgroup mentoring for neurofeedback therapy protocolsin German languageWed., 14.05.2025, 18:00Wed., 14.05.2025, 19:30ONLINEStandard price: 50,00Book your session
QEEG-150525-ENSee More with Brainmapping: Quantitative EEG (QEEG) for Your PracticeEnglishThu., 15.05.2025, 09:00Sat., 17.05.2025, 18:00BaldhamStandard price: 990,00Book your session
NF-170525-ENNeurofeedback weekend with Hany Brangain German languageSat., 17.05.2025, 09:00Sun., 18.05.2025, 16:00SchuettorfStandard price: 650,00Book your session
NF-140625-ENNeurofeedback weekend with Hany Brangain German languageSat., 14.06.2025, 09:00Sun., 15.06.2025, 16:00OnlineStandard price: 650,00Book your session
WEB-250625-ENWEBINAR - Recognizing and treating ADHD: Documenting symptoms, conducting assessment with QEEG and setting up treatment with neurofeedbackin German languageWed., 25.06.2025, 19:30Wed., 25.06.2025, 21:00ONLINEStandard price: 80,00Book your session
Swingle-280625-DEWorkshop - Neurofeedback therapy protocols according to the Swingle Assessmentin German languageSat., 28.06.2025, 09:00Sat., 28.06.2025, 18:00ONLINEStandard price: 450,00Book your session
M1-300625-ENMODULE 1 - Certified Neurofeedback Therapistin German languageMon., 30.06.2025, 09:00Fri., 04.07.2025, 16:00Therapy Center Bebra Rathausmarkt 2 36179 BebraStandard price: 1.750,00
Repeater / Repeater / Repetidor: 875,00
Book your session
Practice-050725-DEPractice Weekend - Certified Neurofeedback Therapist in German languageSat., 05.07.2025, 09:00Sun., 06.07.2025, 16:00Therapy Center Bebra Rathausmarkt 2 36179 BebraStandard price: 650,00Book your session
WEB-140725-ENWEBINAR - Modern Neurofeedback according to the IFEN methodin German languageMon., 14.07.2025, 19:00Mon., 14.07.2025, 20:30ONLINEStandard price: freeBook your session
WEB-201025-ENWEBINAR - Modern Neurofeedback according to the IFEN methodin German languageMon., 14.07.2025, 19:00Mon., 14.07.2025, 20:30ONLINEStandard price: freeBook your session
ALLEWEB-160825-DEMarathon Webinars Hany Brangain German languageSat., 16.08.2025, 09:00Sat., 16.08.2025, 15:15ONLINEStandard price: 160,00Book your session
WEB-Beginner-160825WEBINAR - Neurofeedback assessment with the Swingle Assessment for beginnersin German languageSat., 16.08.2025, 09:00Sat., 16.08.2025, 10:00ONLINEStandard price: 40,00Book your session
WEB-ADV-160825WEBINAR - Neurofeedback assessment with the Swingle Assessment for advanced usersin German languageSat., 16.08.2025, 10:20Sat., 16.08.2025, 11:20ONLINEStandard price: 40,00Book your session
WEB-NF-160825WEBINAR - Clinical Reasoning in NeurofeedbackGermanSat., 16.08.2025, 11:40Sat., 16.08.2025, 12:40ONLINEStandard price: 40,00Book your session
WEB-160825-ENWEBINAR - Neurofeedback for Autismin German languageSat., 16.08.2025, 13:00Sat., 16.08.2025, 14:00ONLINEStandard price: 40,00Book your session
WEB-160825-ENWEBINAR - Neurofeedback for learning disordersin German languageSat., 16.08.2025, 14:15Sat., 16.08.2025, 15:15ONLINEStandard price: 40,00Book your session
Group Mentoring -200825-DEgroup mentoring for neurofeedback therapy protocolsin German languageWed., 20.08.2025, 18:00Wed., 20.08.2025, 19:30ONLINEStandard price: 50,00Book your session
Swingle-060925-DEWorkshop - Neurofeedback therapy protocols according to the Swingle Assessmentin German languageSat., 06.09.2025, 09:00Sat., 06.09.2025, 18:00ONLINEStandard price: 450,00Book your session
WEB-170925-ENWEBINAR - Recognizing and treating ADHD: Documenting symptoms, conducting assessment with QEEG and setting up treatment with neurofeedbackin German languageWed., 17.09.2025, 19:30Wed., 17.09.2025, 21:00ONLINEStandard price: 80,00Book your session
M1-141025-ROMODULULE 1 -Therapist Certificate in Neurofeedbackin Romanian languageTue., 14.10.2025, 09:00Sat., 18.10.2025, 16:30Universitatea 1 December din Alba Iulia, Strada Gabriel Bethlen 1, Alba Iulia 510009, RomaniaStandard price: 1.750,00
Repeater / Repeater / Repetidor: 875,00
Book your session
M1-141025-ENMODULE 1 - Certified Neurofeedback Therapistin German languageTue., 14.10.2025, 09:00Sat., 18.10.2025, 16:00BaldhamStandard price: 1.750,00
Repeater / Repeater / Repetidor: 875,00
Book your session
Swingle-081125-DEWorkshop - Neurofeedback therapy protocols according to the Swingle Assessmentin German languageSat., 08.11.2025, 09:00Sat., 08.11.2025, 18:00ONLINEStandard price: 450,00Book your session
Group Mentoring -121125-DEgroup mentoring for neurofeedback therapy protocolsin German languageWed., 12.11.2025, 18:00Wed., 12.11.2025, 19:30ONLINEStandard price: 50,00Book your session
NF-221125-ENNeurofeedback weekend with Hany Brangain German languageSat., 22.11.2025, 09:00Sun., 23.11.2025, 16:00SchuettorfStandard price: 650,00Book your session
ALLEWEB-131225-DEMarathon Webinars Hany Brangain German languageSat., 13.12.2025, 09:00Sat., 13.12.2025, 15:15ONLINEStandard price: 160,00Book your session
WEB-Beginner-131225WEBINAR - Neurofeedback assessment with the Swingle Assessment for beginnersin German languageSat., 13.12.2025, 09:00Sat., 13.12.2025, 10:00ONLINEStandard price: 40,00Book your session
WEB-ADV-131225WEBINAR - Neurofeedback assessment with the Swingle Assessment for advanced usersin German languageSat., 13.12.2025, 10:20Sat., 13.12.2025, 11:20ONLINEStandard price: 40,00Book your session
WEB-NF-131225WEBINAR - Clinical Reasoning in NeurofeedbackGermanSat., 13.12.2025, 11:40Sat., 13.12.2025, 12:40ONLINEStandard price: 40,00Book your session
Course No. Course title Location Price (EUR)
AVA-INTER BrainAvatar - list of interested parties NN free Enter
M1-EN MODULE 1 - Certified Neurofeedback Therapist - list of interested parties flexible 1.750,00 Enter
M1-ES MÓDULO 1 - Terapeuta Neurofeedback flexible 1.750,00 Enter
NM-INTER Neuromeditation prospects list flexible free Enter
PBM-INTER Photobiomodulation - prospects list NN free Enter

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