+49 (89) 2000 299 66   info@neurofeedback-info.de




The quantitative EEG (QEEG) makes disorders in the brain visible using a brain map with the help of the latest data processing. This gives a diagnostician significantly more options in his work - ultimately, the biological basis of autism, stress, illnesses or learning disorders in the brain is identified.

» more information about QEEG

» Training on QEEG



Within the Neuromeditation Neurofeedback approaches are integrated into meditation practices such as MBSR (mindfulness based stress reduction). This can help meditators and therapists to specifically support the meditation process itself. Neuromeditation can be used for numerous symptoms, including AD(H)D, anxiety and depression.

» more information about neuromeditation

» Training courses on neuromeditation



ISF stands for Infra Slow FluctuationThis is the scientific term for oscillations in the brain with a very low frequency (infra = below, slow; fluctuation = fluctuations). ISF neurofeedback specifically trains these slow oscillations in order to improve the general performance of the brain.



The Photobiomodulation (ancient Greek photos = light, Greek bios = life, Latin modulatio = measure) is a special branch of phototherapy. It involves irradiating areas of the body (e.g. the head) with near-infrared light in order to stimulate the mitochondria in the cells to increase their performance. This allows them to regenerate faster and become more resilient.

» more information about photobiomodulation

» Training on photobiomodulation



BrainAvatar™ is the next generation of EEG and neurofeedback software, available for Atlantis and Discovery systems. BrainAvatar combines all existing BrainMaster components with new features incorporating EEG, peripheral modalities, and integrated evaluation and training in a previously unparalleled system.

» Training on BrainAvatar

What is neurofeedback?

Neurofeedback applicationNeurofeedback (ancient Greek. neuron = nerve) is a special direction of biofeedback, and is used primarily in the area of ​​neuronal and psychosomatic complaints and disorders such as ADHD, epilepsy, depression, sleep disorders, anxiety and panic disorders etc.

First, the electrical potential fluctuations in the brain are recorded using electrodes on the scalp and then recorded in a electroencephalogram (ancient Greek enkephalos = brain, graphein = writing; abbreviated EEG) graphically.

This can sometimes lead to certain Symptoms and clinical pictures from abnormalities in the EEG, which usually result from an imbalance in brain activity. This is also BrainMap called (from English brain = brain, map = map).

In a neurofeedback session, the client’s EEG is used to make his or her own internal brain processes visible, usually using various Visualizations For example, a video game in which an airplane has to be maneuvered through a target by changing brain activity.

If the client manages to get into a desired state and thereby influence what is happening on the screen so that he or she achieves a certain goal, this activates the Reward Center in the brain. This sets in motion a learning process that leads to an improvement in brain activity.

This “positive feedback” encourages the brain to maintain a certain state. regular training brain activity can finally be brought into balance in the long term.

What can neurofeedback do? What does neurofeedback help with?

Depending on the correct attitude and the client, this procedure has a whole range of positive effects, including:

  • Neurofeedback applicationIncreased concentration
  • Increased sleep quality
  • Overall noticeable relaxation & balance
  • Reduction of feelings of anxiety
  • Reduction of chronic pain
  • Reduction of psychosomatic symptoms

Neurofeedback is mainly used for the following disorders and illnesses:

  • ADHD
  • Depression
  • Chronic pain
  • insomnia
  • Migraine
  • Autism
  • Panic / anxiety disorders
  • Addictions

Some of our users also successfully support top athletes with methods that we teach in our courses.

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