
QEEG for neurofeedback therapists


660,00 EUR / Person
Beginn: 14.11.2014
Ende: 16.11.2014

QEEG Workshop for Neurofeedback Therapists

24 Fortbildungspunkte

Using databases such as BrainDX and ANI (Applied-Neurosciences Inc.)

In 2012, the fifth revised edition of "The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders" (DSM-V) will no doubt become the main source of reference for psychiatrists and neurologists. The new thing about it is that all brain disorders can also be evaluated in line with their neurological markers. This approach also presumes that psychiatric diagnoses in the future will consider the functional anatomy of the human brain to a greater extent than the factors responsible for the disorder.

Here, an innovative turning point is taking place which finally also integrates modern brain research and thus also neurofeedback in the considerations.

The quantitative EEG will increase in significance because latest research shows that many dysfunctions such as ADHD, schizophrenia, OCD, depression, specific learning disorders and others correlate with corresponding brain wave patterns (biological markers).  Neurofeedback has long been working with these biological markers and is therefore so successfully established for this very reason.

By means of a normative database, the values can be compared with those of the examined EEG. One thus receives valuable indications of possible pathologies, but also of strengths and compensation mechanisms of the central nervous system.

QEEG-Aufnahme. Diagnose Lernstörung, ADHS

ABB: QEEG recording diagnosis learning disorder ADHD

QEEG-Spektralansicht: Peak-Perfomance-Charakteristik durch hohe Alpha-Peak-Frequenz

QEEG spectral view: Peak performance characteristic by means of high peak frequency

Curriculum Curriculum QEEG Workshop

Day 1

Day 2

Day 3

24 FortbildungspunkteCredit points

Credit points for the Chamber of Psychotherapists, credit points for ergotherapists and other professional groups.


What benefit does the use of QEEG have for you as therapist?
