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Newsletter 05. April 2022



Our teachers are internationally recognized professionals!

Education, Development and Research
for 10 years at the top!



Are you interested in becoming a Certified Neurofeedback Therapist IFEN or expand and refresh your already existing experience?


Would you like to specialize in particular topics related to neurofeedback and learn from the best in the field?


Then you are at IFEN in the right place!


The Institute for EEG Neurofeedback offers a wide range of courses and workshops on fascinating topics such as Quantitative EEG (QEEG), Infra Slow Fluctuation (ISF), EEG-Neuromeditation, Neuropsychology or Cognitive Evaluation.

For more details, please visit our section with frequently asked questions FAQ or contact us.


Institute for EEG-Neurofeedback IFEN
Director: Thomas Feiner, BCIA BCN QEEG-D
Karl-Böhm-Str. 50
85598 Baldham


Tel. +49(89) 2000299-66‍

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